Monday, March 1, 2010

Quit Your Dead-End Job

Preview for this Sunday Service- John 21

(Our Campus Church has been studying the Gospel of John for the past two semesters)

In the 21st and FINAL chapter, the disciple whom Jesus loved (John), records the story of Jesus third revelation to the disciples after His resurrection.

In our lesson we will ask the all important question on the minds of students nation-wide, "What Now?" We will explore together the human tendency to return to what is normal, stable, or comfortable when staring in the face of uncertainty.

Even after three years of a life altering relationship with Jesus, including witnessing His rise from death, Peter, John and the rest of the Apostles were caught in a state of limbo, asking the question of what to do next. Peter's response to the situation was to "Go fishing" and the rest of the group seemed content to tag along.
Their solution was to return to their old way, old habits, old dead end job.

They forgot the calling of Jesus to something more, more purpose, more passion, more life. They were no longer fishers but fishers of men.

We will discover that once the Son has set us free... we cannot go back. Even if we do- like Peter and the gang- we are quick to discover that we lost our touch for this world after an experience with Jesus.

We want to remember our true purpose in this world, to be more than average, more than conquerors. And like Peter we will discover that the solution is not LEADING job hunts but FOLLOWING Jesus.

Please Join us this week at 1pm (3-7-2010) in the Krannert Auditorium on the Purdue University Campus in West Lafayette, Indiana.

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